The Work of Feminism

Feminism is labor. It's work. It requires activity, action. It necessitates the transformation of our minds and the movement of our bodies. 

The work of cultivating an intersectional feminist8 consciousness is requisite to calling oneself a feminist. Because until you develop the capacity to see clearly these historic, deeply entrenched, normalized, and inherited supremacist belief systems, and your role within them, you will continue to unconsciously reproduce them.

You cannot consume, follow, like, or vibe your way to feminist consciousness. It’s not enough to read a couple of books or listen to a podcast to get the gist. Cultivating an intersectional feminist consciousness is work. It is the work of reflecting, reading, listening, reckoning, questioning, critiquing, imagining, experimenting, feeling, healing, grieving, being wrong, letting go, and breaking through.